In Between Dreams

My personal experiences with the phenomenon known as lucid dreaming.

First Results - Mixed Success

Published by Damian under on Monday, November 10, 2008
Last night I had a lucid dream.

It all started off in a dream where I was walking back from campus with groceries. For some reason, and I'm really not sure why, I set them down by a bench. I then saw people walking by and one of them struck me as very very strange. I then said that it was a dream, I don't recall doing a reality check other than strongly believing that it was a dream. I then actually levitated across the area I was in, which is very similar to the area I live in now. I remember then testing other things, like jumping far and making things show up, although I honestly cannot recall anything that I tried other than the flying. I will say that the moment of flying was amazing and surprisingly vivid. After a few moments of this though, something happened and my control over flying turned into me hitting the ground and trying to jump up. Oddly enough, around there my sense of knowing it was a dream faded and I didn't realize I was dreaming at all. At that point people sent dogs after me and I fled into a house. In this house was an underground community and from here continued a long, drawn out dream of me running / meeting people / talking to my father / living in an underground dorm / random absurdities. Then something happened that has never happened in a dream before. I recall going to bed and waking up in the same place, effectively living out actual days. Obviously the dream couldn't have lasted for that long, but the series of events I went through throughout it gave the effect of lasting that long. I also had visions of people that weren't me and views like camera angles, it was interesting. Dreams are really quite fascinating.

The dream was a success in my studies as I did in fact achieve a period of lucidity. However, it wasn't a complete success as my lucidity eventually faded, something I wasn't aware could happen. Perhaps I woke up to a degree then fell right back into the dream but without the same mind set or something. I shall have to review the ways of maintaining lucid dreams now as that short burst of lucidity was really something out of this world. Carrying that feeling out for a longer duration is my next goal. There are no guarantee as to when my next lucid dream will occur, but when it does I shall report back.


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